About Us

Welcome to Tamriel Women Unite!

Tamriel Women Unite is a social guild for women and enbys to have fun, learn, grow and play Elder Scrolls Online together!

We hang out in the game chat and in our Discord server. Together we do fun and carefree events in game like world map runs where we explore the beautiful environments of Tamriel; dungeon crawls where we learn mechanics; fishing trips; housing tours; and even veteran trials!

If you have questions about PvP, builds, dungeons, housing, beginner tips, or want to share stories about your adventures we’ve got your back in our different Discord channels. Here you can also see our upcoming events, and get the latest news about the Elder Scrolls Online!

Do you enjoy streaming? Or would you like to try it some time? We have a Twitch channel as well that you can use if you want to!

No matter if you are completely new to the game or an old ESO veteran, we are a community for everyone that loves growing together.

Interested in joining? Join our facebook group or message @perdita in-game!

Welcome to our guild!


Tamriel Women Unite also has a Swedish NGO 

The Swedish Youth Gaming Hobby Association Sverok is an umbrella NGO that gives grants to young people in gaming support and help, and now we have our own Sverok-organization for our members under 26 years of age to get support from them. If you live in Sweden you can join for free today to support the TWU work :heart: https://ebas.sverok.se/signups/index/21215 

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