Imperial City Celebration with Tamriel Women Unite

Welcome to the Imperial City Celebration event with Tamriel Women Unite, a chance to hang out in the Imperial City together during the Imperial City event!

”The Imperial City Celebration begins Thursday, September 3 at 10:00AM EDT, and will run until Tuesday, September 15 at 10:00AM EDT. During this in-game event, you can earn bonus rewards within both the Imperial City PvP zone and its two PvE dungeons: White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison”. Read all about it here.

Tamriel Women Unite is a social guild for women and enbys playing Elder Scrolls Online in a fun loving and supporting setting!* With this event we want to show some of the many ways you can have fun together in Elder Scrolls Online and give a huge welcome to new players with prizes and giveaways. Not a member? Join us today!


Time for an inn-room challenge! The theme for this challenge is: home in the Imperial City! There are two paths you can follow here -bring out the orderliness and roman vibes of the imperial people, or channel your inner servant of Molag Bal sacking the city and looking for secrets… Any interpretation of these themes are welcome!

Enter your house in the #special-events channel on discord before Sunday September 13th. After that all TWU members will be able to vote for their favorite.The voters should take into consideration the adherence to the theme, the creativity and the aesthetic. Send your vote to @perdita on Discord! PS. It’s always ok to ask guildies for help crafting, and to take all the furnitures and recipes from the guild bank you need.

SUNDAY 6th 11:00 CEST // FISHING – with @panthola 

Start your day with a cup of coffee and a quaint fishing trip to a fishing spots with your fellow guildies. Pick up some bait and head for the waters of Tamriel!

SUNDAY 6th 14:00 CEST // IMPERIAL CITY DAILIES – w @agretics

Those willing to fight shield-to-shield in the heart of the lost empire are a special breed of warrior. To reward those few braving the dangers of Cyrodiil’s close-combat warfare you’ll receive a Glorious Legion Zero Strongbox the first time you complete an Imperial City district daily quest. This Sunday afternoon we will brave the invaded city together and get those strongboxes!


The White-Gold Tower, the seat of the Empire has been overrun with Daedra and is being pulled into Coldharbour by Molag Bal. Let’s help Empress Regent Clivia Tharn is attempting to retake the structure… Depending on who joins we can do these runs as story runs or speedruns for tickets. Anyone of any level can join!

TUESDAY 8th 18:00 CEST // IMPERIAL SEWER RUN – HUNT FOR MOLAG BAL – with @chubbs from the Samurai Teahouse

Join your fellow guildies in taking down big bad boi Molag Bal Simulacrum in the center of the Imperial City Sewers to unlock and achievement and an awesome color! This event is a collaboration with friends from the Samurai Teahouse.


We have a go at the new Stonethorn dungeons together in story mode! Let’s invade an ancient fortress to confront a rising Vampire army and its dark master before they can threaten Western Skyrim, and Investigate and shut down the horrifying creations of a mad alchemist, hidden deep within a secret, mysterious laboratory. These dungeons continue the Dark Heart of Skyrim adventure! Anyone of any level can join!

THURSDAY 10th 16:00 CEST // PVP RUN IN IMPERIAL CITY with @xdross

Those willing to fight shield-to-shield in the heart of the lost empire are a special breed of warrior. This night we may follow our pvp leader Xdross into battle to fight the other players in the Imperial City, and earn event lootboxes.

SUNDAY 13th 11:00 // FISHING with @panthola 

Start your day with a cup of coffee and a quaint fishing trip to one of the fishing zones with your fellow guildies. Pick up some bait and head for the rivers of Tamriel!


Have a go at the outfit system, or loot all manner of weird armor pieces and fit together for the most epic imperial or daedric costume you can conjure! Color them at the outfit station and take a screenshot in a suitable environment to bring out the flavor in your character! For extra pow you can use the ingame emotes for magnificent photo poses.

Post your screenshot in the #pics channel before September 13th on discord to join the fray! All members can vote for the most awesome outfit and best screenshot! With Minion you can get addons for the game and a pro tip for taking great screenshots is the Photographer Addon by Missbizz!

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